Friday, May 20, 2011

Section 1.5 - Symmetry as the Measure of Probability

Given the trial X with sample space {xi}, the task now is to assign probabilities pi to the outcomes xi.

By definition, the probability that trial X produces an outcome in the sample space is certainty, conventionally represented by the value 1. If outcomes are symmetric—that is, are fundamentally indistinguishable?—then the associated probabilities should also be symmetric—that is, be indistinguishable—which means pi is 1/n, where n is the sample-space size.? Indistinguishable outcome probabilities is a consequence of matching indistinguishable outcomes.

Symmetry is a judgment. Perceived symmetry among sample-space outcomes determines the outcome’s probabilities, otherwise you’re stuck, at least for the moment. Symmetry is determined largely by the absence of contrary evidence; if a sample space is not clearly asymmetric, assume it’s symmetric.

The two axioms used to assign probabilities are 1) a trial X produces an outcome in the sample space X with certainty, represented by probability 1, and 2) a trial X produces an outcome xi from a symmetric sample space X of size n with probability 1/n.

Because probabilities are additive,? the probability of a combination of symmetric outcomes is the sum of the probabilities of the individual outcomes.

Using intuition to battle circularity, consider equally likely outcomes to occur “at random” (intuition will apparently be replaced with more careful reasoning in Section 1.9).