With no further information, the unconditional sample space is:
There are 16 pairs, four of which are impossible;? the sample-space size is 16 - 4 = 12.?
Second card AC 2C AD 2D First
cardAC 2C AD 2D
If one of the cards in the pair is an ace, what's the probability that the other card is an ace too?
The condition that one of the cards in the pair is an ace eliminates pairs of twos from the sample space:
The sample-space size is now down to 10, and there are two pairs that contain only aces. The probability is 2/10 = 1/5 = 0.2.
Second card AC 2C AD 2D First
cardAC 2C AD 2D
This solution assumes too much. The question doesn't mention the order in which the cards are dealt,? which means the pair (AC, 2D) is the same as the pair (2D, AC). This sample space is
{AC, AD} {2C, AD} {AD, 2D}The condition rules out {2C, 2D}, and the question specifies {AC, AD} for a probability of 1/5.
{AC, 2D}{2C, 2D}
{AC, 2C}
Suppose one of the cards in the pair is AC. What is the probability that the other card is AD?
The stronger condition that one of the cards is AC eliminates more pairs from unconstrained sample space than the weaker condition that one of the cards is an ace:
The sample-space size is six, and there are two pairs that contain only aces. The probability is 2/6 = 1/3.
Second card AC 2C AD 2D First
cardAC 2C AD 2D
The unordered-pair conditional sample space is
{AC, AD}for a 1/3 probability that the other card is an ace.{2C, AD}{AD, 2D}
{AC, 2D}{2C, 2D}
{AC, 2C}
This example shows that the stronger a condition is, the more of the sample space it may prune, which changes the probabilities assigned.